Dr.Ajay Kumar Kalyani
Assistant Professor |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
Highest Academic Qualification |
PhD |
Materials Engineering |
IISc, Bangalore |
M.E |
Materials Engineering |
IISc, Bangalore |
B-Tech |
Metallurgical Engineering |
JNTU, Hyderabad |
0612-302-8814 |
ajay.kalyani@iitp.ac.in |
Personal Webpage: |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest |
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The research interest is to develop structure-property-processing relationships in emerging materials through the use of different scattering/diffraction tools and microscopy techniques such as X-ray, Neutron and Synchrotron powder diffraction, Raman scattering and Electron microscopy. Understand the physical properties and phase transformations on the basis of structure at different length scale from unit cell level (crystallographic) to micro/nano-structure level. Study the phenomenon of formation of new unexpected phases beyond ground state by stabilizing them with external stimulus like stress, electric field and magnetic field. The material includes Dielectric, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Relaxors, Multiferroic, Electrocaloric, Photovoltaic, SOFC and other energy conversion Materials. |
Other Interests |
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Courses taught at IITP |
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- Crystallography and Diffraction (MM525)
- Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques (MM503)
- Structure and Functional Properties of Materials (MM504)
No. of PhD Students |
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3 |
Professional Experience |
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Awards & Honours |
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- Won Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship, one of the prestigious fellowships for postdoctoral position in the year 2015
Member of Professional bodies |
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Books |
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Publications |
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- A. K Kalyani, A Kumar, AR James, Solid State Communications, 361, 115082, 2023
- Composition‐independent Curie point (Tc) in ferroelectric (1− x) PbTiO3–xBi(Li1/2Nb1/2)O3 solid solution, N Kumar, E Kumari, PSR Krishna, AK Kalyani - Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106 (1), 430-437, 2023.
- Enhanced piezoelectric response in ferroelectric solid solution with rhombohedral end members, AK Kalyani - Materials Today Communications, 27, 102274, 2021.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, “Enhanced piezoelectric response in ferroelectric sold solution with rhomohedral end members”, Materials Today Commu., in press, 2021.
- Ajeet Kumar, Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rajeev Ranjan, KC James Raju, Jungho Ryu, Nokeun Park, AR James, “Evidence of monoclinic phase and its variation with temperature at the morphotropic phase boundary of PLZT ceramics” J. Alloys and Compounds, 816, 152613, 2020.
- VitalyYu Topolov, Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Kumar Brajesh, Rajeev Ranjan, Anatoly E Panich “Comparative study on heterophase structures in ferroelectric solid solutions based on barium titanate” Crystal Research and Technology, 52, 1600299, 2017.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Dipak Katua, B. Loukya, Ranjan Datta, Andy Fitch, Anatoliy Senyshyn, Rajeev Ranjan, “Metastable monoclinic and orthorhombic phases and electric field induced irreversible phase transformation at room temperature in the lead-free classical ferroelectric BaTiO3” Phys. Rev. B 91, 104104 (2015).
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, HariKrishnan, Arijit Sen, Anatoliy Senyshyn, Rajeev Ranjan, “Polarization switching and high piezoelectric performance in Sn modified BaTiO3” Phys. Rev. B, 91, 024101, 2015.
- Lalitha K V, Ajay Kumar Kalyani and Rajeev Ranjan, “Analogous stress and electric field induced structural phase transformation and poling induced decrease in polarization coherence in PbTiO3-BiScO3 piezoelectric” Phys. Rev. B, 90, 224107, 2014.
- K. Brajesh, Ajay Kumar Kalyani and Rajeev Ranjan “Ferroelectric instability and enhanced ferroelectric response in Ce modified BaTiO3 lead free ceramics” Appl. Phys. Lett, 106, 012907, 2015.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, K. V. Lalitha, A. R. James, Andy Fitch, Rajeev Ranjan, “Unraveling the nature of electric field- and stress- induced structural transformations in soft PZT by a new powder poling technique “ J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 27, 072201, 2015.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Kumar Brajesh, Rajeev Ranjan, “Orthorhombic-tetragonal phase coexistence and enhanced piezo-response at room temperature in Zr, Sn and Hf modified BaTiO3” App. Phys. Lett, 104, 252906. 2014.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rajeev Ranjan, “Anomalous piezoelectric response due to stabilization of two ferroelectric phases in Zr modified BaTiO3” J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 25, 362203, 2013.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Anatoliy Senyshyn , Rajeev Ranjan, “Polymorphic phase boundaries and enhanced piezoelectric response in extended composition range in the lead free ferroelectric Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O3” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 014102, 2013.
- K. V. Lalitha, Shamiparna Das, Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rohini Garg, and Rajeev Ranjan, “Nucleation-Growth Mode of Cubic-Tetragonal Transition with Coexistence of Phases over a Wide Temperature Interval in the High Temperature Ferroelectric Systems PbTiO3–BiMeO3: Me = Sc, and Zn1/2Ti1/2” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 95 [8], 2635, 2012.
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rohini Garg, Rajeev Ranjan “Tendency to promote ferroelectric distortion in Pr-modified PbTiO3” App. Phys. Lett, 95, 222904, (2009).
- Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rohini Garg, Rajeev Ranjan “Competing A-site and B-site driven ferroelectric stabilities in the (1-x)PbTiO3-xBiAlO3 system” App. Phys. Lett, 94, 202903, (2009).
- Rajeev Ranjan, Ajay Kumar Kalyani, Rohini Garg, “Structure and Phase transition of (1-x)PbTiO3-xBiAlO3 system” Solid State Comm. 149, 2098-2101(2009).
- Maya Sharma, S. Ranganatha, Ajay Kalyani, R. Ranjan, G. Madras, S. Bose, “Zirconia doped barium titanate induced electroactive β polymorph in PVDF-HFP: high energy density and dielectric properties" Mater. Res, Express, 1, 045301, 2014.
Presentations |
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- Invited lecture at IIT Indore on “Rietveld refinement method”, 2021.
- Poster Presentation at Electronic Materials and Application (EMA-2014) conference held in Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Poster Presentation at International Workshop on Advanced Ceramics for the Future (ACF-2012) at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India.
- Poster Presentation at International conference on Electroceramics (ICE) -2009 held at the University of Delhi, India.