Dr. Mohan Muralikrishna Garlapati
Assistant Professor |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
Ph.D., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras
M.S., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras
B.Tech, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, RGUKT - Nuzvid |
+91 - 6115 - 233 - 320 |
mohan[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=mI3Gcw0AAAAJ&hl=en |
Research Areas |
Advanced materials processing, Diffusion in Materials (Metals and Functional metal-oxide Thin Films), Interfaces in materials, Correlated Kinetic-Structure-Property analyses, Nanoscience and Technology, Precipitation, Thermal Stability, Growth Kinetics, Powder Metallurgy, Mechanical Alloying, Spark Plasma Sintering, Multicomponent Alloys (CCA/HEAs), B2-Aluminides, Intermetallic Compounds
Courses taught at IIT P |
Professional Experience |
- Group Leader, University of Muenster, Germany, March 2024 to December 2024.
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Muenster and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, March 2022 to February 2024.
- Research Associate, University of Muenster, Germany, April 2024 to December 2024.
- Institute Post Doctoral Equivalent Fellow, IIT Madras, India, July 2020 to January 2021.
Awards & Honours |
- Selected for and participated in the prestigious “Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting 2024” (among 650 scientists worldwide)
- The Graeme E. Murch Award in recognition of outstanding contribution in diffusion research, DSL 2023, Crete, 2023.
- Received the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdocs from March 2022 to February 2024.
- Sudharshan Bhat Memorial Prize & Medal for the best PhD thesis, IIT Madras, 2021.
- Received Institute Pre-Doctoral Fellowship for the early submission of Ph.D thesis (July 2020 – January 2021)
- Received DAAD Fellowship to pursue research work at University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany (August 2018 – December 2019)
- Reviewer appreciation award from the Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023
- Received Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Scholarship to attend the international conference, DPG Spring 2019, Regensburg, Germany
- Received best paper award at In-house symposium – 2018, organized by Dept. of MME, IIT Madras.
- MHRD Research Fellowship to pursue Ph.D. at IIT Madras, 2015-2020.
- Received best paper award at TEKZITE 2K13, organized by Dept. of. MME, RGUKT-Nuzvid
- Received Ramineni Prathibha Puraskaram Award & Gold Medal in 2009.
- Division (Medikondur, Guntur (Dt), A.P, India) topper in SSC 2009.
- District (Guntur, A.P, India) level 2nd prize in Elocution Competition in 2008.
Member of Professional bodies |
- Life Member, Electron Microscopy Society of India
- Life Member, Powder Metallurgy Association of India
- Member, Materials Advantage, ASM International
- Member, German Physical Society (DPG), 2018-2019
Patents |
- Transparent Resonant Tunnelling Diode and it's preparation methods, German Patent Application No.: 10 2020 116 068.2 (Jointly with: A.C.M. Esther, S. Ostendorp, G. Wilde) (Currently under the consideration for Europe level patent)
Publications / Journals |
- C.M. Esther, G. Mohan Muralikrishna*, C. Manohar, M. Pinto, S. Ostendorp, P. Martin, A. Petrov, M. Eich, S. V. Divinski, H. Hahn, G. Wilde, “De-mystifying the Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition in Amorphous Vanadium Pentoxide: the role of substrate/thin film interfaces”, Advanced Functional Materials, (2024) 2309544. [Co-First author] [Q1, Impact factor: 18.5]
- V. Sevlikar, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, D. Gaertner, S. Starikov, T. Brink, D. Scheiber, D. Smirnova, D. Cozlin, D. Irmer, B. Tas, M. Vaidya, V.A. Esin, G. Dehm, V. Razumoskii, G. Wilde, S.V. Divinski, “Novel insights on the grain boundary diffusion and segregation of Cr in Ni S11[110] bicrystals”, Acta Materialia, 278 (2024) 120229. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- Bian, L. Soltzer, G. Mohan Muralikrishna*, S. Taheriniya, S. Sandipan, K.C. Hari Kumar, S. Sankaran, G. Wilde, S. V. Divinski, “Grain boundary diffusion in a compositionally complex alloy: interplay of segregation, precipitation and interface structures in a Ni-Cr-Mo alloy”, Acta Materialia, 269 (2024) 119803. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- Mohan Muralikrishna*, S. Sen, S.K. Ayyappan, S. Sankaran, K. Guruvidyathri, J. Schell, L. Rogal, Xi Zhang, J. Mayer, B. Grabowski, G. Wilde and S.V. Divinski, “Microstructure stability and self-diffusion in the equiatomic HfScTiZr HCP multi-principal element alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 976 (2024) 173196. [Q1, Impact factor:5.8]
- Bian, S. Taheriniya, G. Mohan Muralikrishna*, S. Sandipan, C. Gammer, I. Steinbach, Sergiy V. Divinski, G. Wilde, “Coupling of alloy chemistry, diffusion and structure by grain boundary engineering in Ni–Cr–Fe”, Acta Materialia, 264 (2024) 119602. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- Srinu, Y. Palguna, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, R. Korala, K. Srinivasarao, N.R.M.R. Bhargava, “Aluminium matrix composites - B2 aluminide strengthening”, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 76 (2023) 3357-3363. [Q2, Impact factor: 1.5]
- Bian, S. Taheriniya, G. Mohan Muralikrishna*, A. Godha, S.K. Makineni, S. Sankaran, B. Straumal, Y. Du, G. Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski*, “Kinetic and structure insights into grain boundary phase transition in Ni-Bi alloys”, Acta Materialia, 245 (2023) 118632. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, T.N. Vershinina, A.M. Balagurov, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, N. Esakkiraja, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde, I.S. Golovin, “Low-temperature metastable-to-equilibrium phase transitions in Fe-Ga alloys”, Intermetallics, 145 (2022) 107540. [Q1, Impact factor: 4.4]
- Rahul Bhattacharya, Murugesan Annasamy, Pavel Cizek, Kamaraj M, Mohan Muralikrishna, Peter Hodgson, Daniel Fabijanic, B.S. Murty*, “Evolution of phase constitution with mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering of nanocrystalline AlxCoCrFeNi (x=0, 0.3, 0.6, 1 mol) high-entropy alloys”, Journal of Materials Research, 37 (2022) 959-975. [Q2, Impact factor: 2.7]
- C.M. Esther*, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, B. J. Tyler, H. F. Arlinghaus, S. V. Divinski, G. Wilde, “Interface-Driven Thermo-Electric Switching Performance of VO+ Diffused Soda-Lime Glass”, physica status solid (RRL) Rapid Research Letters (2021), 2100077, (DOI: 10.1002/pssr.202100077). [Q2, Impact factor: 2.5]
- Zhang, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, A. Asabre, Yordan Kalchev, B. Butz, J. Müller, S. Hilke, H. Rösener, G. Laplanche, S.V. Divinski*, G. Wilde, “Tracer diffusion in the s-phase of the CrMnFeCoNi system” Acta Materialia 203 (2021) 116498. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- Mohan Muralikrishna, B. Tas, N. Esakkiraja, V. Esin, K.C. Harikumar, I.V. Belova, G.E. Murch, A. Paul, S.V. Divinski*, “Composition dependence of tracer diffusion coefficients in Fe-Ga alloys: a case study by a tracer-interdiffusion couple method”, Acta Materialia 203 (2021) 116446. [Q1, Impact factor: 8.3]
- Mohan Muralikrishna*, A.C.M. Esther, K. Guruvidyathri, P. Watermeyer, C.H. Liebscher, K.N. Kulakarni, G. Wilde, S.V. Divinski* and B.S. Murty*, “Novel Multicomponent B2 Ordered Aluminides: Compositional Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Stability”, Metals 10 (2020) 1411. [Q1, Impact factor: 2.6]
- Mohan Muralikrishna*, Vladimir A. Esin, Kaustubh N. Kulkarni, B.S. Murty, Gerhard Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski*, “Atomic transport in B2-Ordered Al(Fe,Ni) alloys: Tracer-Interdiffusion couple approach” Intermetallics 126 (2020) 106920. [Q1, Impact factor: 4.4]
- M.E. Alphonse*, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, S. Hilke, G. Wilde, “Double shadow masking sample preparation method for in-situ TEM characterization” Nano Select, (2020) 1-6. [Co-First author] [Q2, Impact factor: 3.0]
- Pamidi*, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, S. Bhogi, K. Georgy, B. Muduli, F. Garcia-Moreno, M. Mukherjee, “Visualisation of stabilising particles at the gas-solid interface of metal foams” Materials Letters, 278 (2020) 128371. [Q2, Impact factor: 2.7]
- Mohan Muralikrishna*, M. Vaidya, Anirudha Karati, Soumyaranjan Mishra, Rahul Bhattacharya and B.S. Murty, “Influence of Al content on thermal stability of nanocrystalline AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys at low and intermediate temperatures” Advanced Powder Technology, 31 (2020) 1985-1993. [Q1, Impact factor: 4.2]
- Mohan Muralikrishna, M. Vaidya, B.S. Murty, S.V. Divinski* and G. Wilde, “Tracer diffusion in ordered pseudo-binary multicomponent aluminides” Scripta Materialia, 178 (2020) 227-231. [Q1, Impact factor: 5.3]
- Rahul John, Anirudha Karati, Mohan Muralikrishna, Mayur Vaidya, Rahul Bhattacharya, Daniel Fabijanic and B.S. Murty* “Influence of mechanically activated annealing on phase evolution in Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy” Journal of Materials Science, 54 (2019) 14588-14598. [Q1, Impact factor: 3.5]
- Keerthana Muthamilselvam, M Mayarani, Mohan Muralikrishna, Manjusha Battabyal*, Raghavan Gopalan, “Tuning the optical and thermoelectric properties of SrTi0.8-xSn0.2FexO3” Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 045905. [Q2, Impact factor: 1.8]
- Vaidya, G. Mohan Muralikrishna and B.S. Murty*, “High entropy alloys by mechanical alloying: A review”, Journal of Materials Research, 34 (2019) 664-686. [Q2, Impact factor: 2.7]
- Vaidya*, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, S.V. Divinski and B.S. Murty, “Experimental assessment of thermodynamic factor for diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys”, Scripta Materilia 157 (2018) 81-85. [Q1, Impact factor: 5.3]
- Vikrant Trivedi, Manjusha Battabyal*, Priyadarshini Balasubramaniuan, Mohan Muralikrishna, Pawan Kumar Jain, Raghvan Gopalan, “Microstructure and doping effect on the enhancement of the thermoelectric properties in Ni doped Dy filled CoSb3 skutterudites”, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2 (2018) 2687-2697. [Q1, Impact factor: 5.0]
- Mohan B. Ponnuchamy, Mohan Muralikrishna, Venkateswara Rao Mannava, G. Srinivasa Reddy*, “Preparation of nanocrystalline nickel oxide from nickel hydroxide using spark plasma sintering and inverse Hall-Petch related densification”, Ceramics International. 44 (2018) 15019 – 15023. [Q1, Impact factor: 5.1]
Conferences |
- Mohan Muralikrishna, C.H. Liebscher, B.S. Murty, G. Wilde, S.V. Divinski, “Synthesis and atomic transport properties in pseudo-binary ordered B2 aluminides”, DPG Spring meeting, 17-22 March, 2024, Berlin, Germany.
- Zhang, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, S. Divinski, G. Wilde, “Grain- and phase boundary diffusion in AlCoCrFeNi2.1 compositionally complex alloys”, DPG Spring meeting, 17-22 March, 2024, Berlin, Germany.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, B.S. Murty, G. Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski, “Does the atomic order hinder the diffusion in multicomponent intermetallics?” The Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-XXIX), PFAM 2023, 06-08 September, 2023, IIT Tirupati, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, N. Esakkiraja, Cheng-Hui Xia, J. Kundin, I. Belova, G. Murch, G. Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski, “Diffusion and Kirkendall effect in the Cu-Fe-Ni system”, 19th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, DSL 2023, 26-30 June, 2023, Heraklion, Greece.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, S. Sen, X. Zhang, S. Sankaran, J. Schell, L. Rogal, G. Wilde, B. Grabowski, Sergiy V. Divinski, “Diffusion and phase stability in a HCP HfScTiZr multicomponent alloy”, DPG Spring meeting, 26-31 March, 2023, Dresden, Germany.
- Bian, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, S. Taheriniya, S. Sen, Sergiy V. Divinski, Gerhard Wilde, “Impact of precipitation on grain boundary diffusion in microstructure-engineered Ni-Cr-Fe alloy”, DPG Spring meeting, 26-31 March, 2023, Dresden, Germany.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, N. Esakkiraja, Cheng-Hui Xia, Julia Kundin, M. Danielwski, Ingo Steinbach, G. Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski, “Comprehensive understanding of diffusion in the ternary CuFeNi system: Experiments and Theory”, 18th Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys (TOFA), 12-16 September, 2022, Krakow, Poland.
- Bian, S. Taheriniya, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, B. Straumal, Yong Du, Sergiy V. Divinski, G. Wilde, “Grain boundary melting phase transition in Ni-Bi system”, 06-11 March, 2022, Regensburg, Germany.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, B. Tas, N. Esakkiraja, V. Esin, K.C. Harikumar, I.V. Belova, G.E. Murch, A. Paul, S.V. Divinski, “Composition-dependent tracter diffusivities in Fe-Ga alloys: An experimental scheme of simultaneous tracer and chemical diffusion”, 11th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT), 5-9 July, 2021, Debrecen, Hungary.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, M. Vaidya, B.S. Murty, S.V. Divinski and G. Wilde, “Tracer diffusion in ordered pseudo-binary multicomponent aluminides” IWHEM 2020, 7-8th March, IIT Kanpur, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, Mayur Vaidya, Gerhard Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski and B.S. Murty “Microstructure and diffusion behaviour of pseudobinary multicomponent intermetallic compounds” DPG Spring 2019, 31.03.2019 – 5.04.2019, Regensburg, Germany.
- Mohan Muralikrishna and B.S. Murty, “Grain growth kinetics in AlxCoCrFeNi (x=0, 0.3, 0.6 and 1 mol) synthesized through mechanical alloying”, International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM), 02-06 July, 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, K. Venkatesh and B.S. Murty, “Pseudo Binary Aluminides: Multicomponent Intermetallic Compounds” In-house symposium, 11-12 May, 2018, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. (Best Paper Award)
- Mohan Muralikrishna, R. Ramya and B.S. Murty, “Synthesis of Al(CoNi) and Al(FeNi) Pseudobinary Compunds through Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering” NMD-ATM, 11-14 November, 2017, Goa, India.
- Sushanth Kombattula, Mohan Muralikrishna, Amirthalingam M. and B.S. Murty, “Precipitation behaviour in Al0.1Co1.5Cr1Fe1Ni1.5Ti0.4 High Entropy Alloy” NMD-ATM, 11-14 November, 2017, Goa, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna and B.S. Murty “Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering of AlNi and AlCo Ordered Intermetallic Compounds” In-house Symposium – 2017, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna, Photomicrography Contest “International Conference on Electron Microscopy and Allied Techniques and XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI-2017)” 17-19 July, 2017, Mahabalipuram, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna and B.S. Murty, “Effect of Aluminium Addition on Grain Growth Behavior of AlxCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys Synthesized Through Mechanical Alloying” IWHEM – 2017, Hyderabad, India.
- Mohan Muralikrishna and B.S. Murty “Thermal Stability of AlxCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy Synthesized through Mechanical Alloying” In-house Symposium – 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
- Rahul Bhattacharya, Mohan Muralikrishna Garlapati and B.S. Murty “Phase Evolution in AlxCoCrFeNi (x=0, 0.3, 0.6, 1 mole) High entropy alloy synthesized through mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering” NMD-ATM, 2014, Pune, India.
Invited Talks |
- Keynote Lecture, “Role of microstructure in materials selection and design” study program for the students visiting from China, 24-28 July 2023, University of Muenster, Germany.
- Invited Talk, G. Mohan Muralikrishna, “Influence of atomic order on the diffusion kinetics in high-entropy alloys” University Colloquium, Lecture series in Physics, 06th June 2023, University of Muenster, Germany.
- Invited Talk, Mohan Muralikrishna, Christian H. Leibscher, Vladimir A. Esin, Kaustubh N. Kulkarni, Gerhard Wilde, B.S. Murty, Sergiy V. Divinski. “Atomic Transport in Multicomponent Pseudobinary B2-ordered Aluminides”, 17th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, DSL 2021, 28 June – 02 July 2021, Malta.
- Keynote lecture, “Applications of Mass Transport in Engineering Materials”, Faculty Development Programme on Recent Innovative Developments in Thermal Engineering, 28 June – 03 July 2021, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad, India.