Dr. Anupama Gaur

Dr. Anupama Gaur
Assistant Professor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


Research Areas
  • Energy Harvesting, Piezoelectricity, Polymer composites, Polymers processing and characterization, Mechanical behavior of materials

Other Interests
  • Reading, Art and craft, Travelling

Professional Experience
  • Worked as a Lecturer at Modi Institute of Technology, Kota, Rajasthan from July 2010 to June 2012.

Member of Professional bodies
  • Member of Asian Polymer Association

  • 1. Polymer Composites for Structural, Device and Biomedical Applications. Anupama Gaur, Aparna Shukla, Dipti Saxena, and Pralay Maiti, 2018. Materials Science and Technology, 1-34, Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

    2. Reinforced polymers for electroactive devices. Anupama Gaur, Pralay Maiti. 2020. Springer, Reactive and Functional Polymers Volume Two: Modification Reactions, Compatibility and Blends,325-347, Springer International Publishing

    3. Energy Harvesting Techniques and Trends in Electronic Applications. Pavan Mehta, Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, AnveshKumar Nella, Anirban Bhowmick and Maheswar Rajagopal. 2023. Energy Harvesting Trends for Low Power Compact Electronic Devices, EAI/ Springer Innovation in Communication and Computing.

  • 1. Bio-waste polymer hybrid with high energy harvesting efficiency. Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, Shivam Tiwari, Sanjay Kumar Rai and Pralay Maiti. Application No. 201811016816. 3rd May, 2018.

    2. Nanohybrid with high energy harvesting efficiency. Anupama Gaur, Shivam Tiwari, Chandan Kumar and Pralay Maiti. Application No. 201811018838. 19th May, 2018.

    3. A bio-piezoelectric device and a method of preparation thereof. Anupama Gaur, Shivam Tiwari, Chandan Kumar and Pralay Maiti. Application No. 201911013972, 7th April, 2019.

Publications / Journals
  • 1. Anupama Gaur, Rahul Shukla, Brijesh Kumar, Arkab Pal, Sandeep Chatterji, Rajeev Ranjan, and Pralay Maiti, 2016. Processing and nanoclay induced piezoelectricity in poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoro propylene) nanohybrid for device application. Polymer 97, 362-369. 2016

    2. Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, Rahul Shukla, and Pralay Maiti, 2017. Induced Piezoelectricity in Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Hybrid as Efficient Energy Harvester. ChemistrySelect 2 (27), 8278-8287. 2017

    3. Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, Shivam Tiwari, and Pralay Maiti, 2018. Efficient energy harvesting using processed poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanogenerator. ACS Applied Energy Materials 1(7), pp 3019–3024. 2018

    4. Chandan Kumar, Anupama Gaur, Sanjay Kumar Rai, and Pralay Maiti, 2017. Piezo devices using poly (vinylidene fluoride)/reduced graphene oxide hybrid for energy harvesting. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 12, 174-181. 2017

    5. Chandan Kumar, Anupama Gaur, Shivam Tiwari, Sanjay Kumar Rai, and Pralay Maiti, 2019. Bio-waste polymer hybrid as induced piezoelectric material with high energy harvesting efficiency. Composite Communication,11, 56-61. 2019

    6. Shivam Tiwari, Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, and Pralay Maiti, 2019. Enhanced piezoelectric response in nanoclay induced electrospun PVDF nanofibers for energy harvesting. Energy, 171, 485-492. 2019

    7. Anupama Gaur, Dipak Rana, and Pralay Maiti. Mechanical and Wear Behaviour of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ Clay Nanocomposite. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8 (6), 5874-5881. 2019

    8. Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar, Shivam Tiwari, and Pralay Maiti. Bio-waste Orange Peel and Polymer Hybrid for Efficient Energy Harvesting. Energy Reports, 6, 490-496. 2020

    9. Shivam Tiwari, Anupama Gaur, Chandan Kumar and Pralay Maiti. Ionic liquid-based electrospun polymer nanohybrid for energy harvesting. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3 (6), 2738-2747. 2021

    10. Shivaji H Wankhade, Shivam Tiwari, Anupama Gaur and Pralay Maiti. PVDF–PZT nanohybrid based nanogenerator for energy harvesting applications. Energy Reports, 6, 358-364. 2020

    11. Anupama Gaur, Shivam Tiwari, Chandan Kumar and Pralay Maiti. Polymer biowaste hybrid for enhanced piezoelectric energy harvesting. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2 (5), 1426-1432. 2020

    12. Anupama Gaur, Shivam Tiwari, Chandan Kumar and Pralay Maiti. Flexible, lead-free nanogenerators using poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites. Energy & Fuels, 34 (5), 6239-6244. 2020

    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymers: Vision and Innovations, APA-2014, New Delhi, India.
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Recent Advances in Analytical Science, RAAS-2014, Varanasi, India.
    • Poster presentation in International conference on Advancements in Polymer Science and Technology, APA-2015, Rajkot, India.
    • Poster presentation in International conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology, APA-2017, New Delhi, India.(2nd prize in wisdom contest)
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, Macro-2017, Kerala, India. (Best Poster Award)
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology SPSI-Macro 2018, Pune, India.
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, ICRACM-2019, Varanasi, India. (Best Poster Award)
    • Volunteered in the 45th National Seminar on Crystallography (NSC 45), School of materials Science and Technology, IIT (BHU), 9-12th July 2017.
    • Completed the Japan-Asia youth exchange Program in Science funded by Japan Science and Technology and organized by University of Miyazaki, Japan. 16-22th December, 2019.
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymers: Vision and Innovations, APA-2014, New Delhi, India.
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Recent Advances in Analytical Science, RAAS-2014, Varanasi, India.
    • Poster presentation in International conference on Advancements in Polymer Science and Technology, APA-2015, Rajkot, India.
    • Poster presentation in International conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology, APA-2017, New Delhi, India.(2nd prize in wisdom contest)
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, Macro-2017, Kerala, India. (Best Poster Award)
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology SPSI-Macro 2018, Pune, India.
    • Poster presentation in International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, ICRACM-2019, Varanasi, India. (Best Poster Award)