Dr. Bharat Bhushan

Dr. Bharat Bhushan
Assistant Professor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Ph.D. (Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur, UP)

M. Tech. (Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab)

B. Tech (SBSCET, Ferozepur, Punjab)

Ph: +91-6115-233-(8)997
Research Areas
  • Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials;  Nanoporous and Nanomaterials;  Photocatalys; Hydrophobic Materials; Electrochemical Dealloying; Corrosion of Metal, Alloys, and Amorphous Coatings; Waste-to-Wealth Recovery 

Other Interests
  • Reading books and long-driving

Courses taught at IIT P
  • MM303: Iron and Steel Making 

    MM204: Phase Transformation and Diffusion 

    MM505: Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams

    MM5104: Nano-structured Materials 

    MM514: Joining of Materials

    MM 304: Corrosion and Degradation in Materials (Running)


Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Degree
Kakali Janamandal
Nanoporous materials PhD.
Aditiya Mishra
Development of Battery Cathode Materials M.Tech.
Rachit Ranjan
Alloying/dealloying B.Tech
Nandita Gupta
Alloying/dealloying B.Tech
Alloying/dealloying B.Tech
Former Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Current Position
Aman Raj
Electrochecmial leaching Coaching Sector
Shreya Mathur
Composites TATA Steel
Ruchir Porwal
Growth of ZnO nanorods Assistant Manager, JSW Steel Limited
Ruchir Mohan
Synthesis of Nanopencils
Shantanu Singh
Nanoporous metals
Shivanshu Mishra
Professional Experience
    • K. C. Polytechnic college, Pandoga, Una (H.P.) Job Title: Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, 16 Aug 2011-31 July 2012  
    • Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh Job Title: Assistant Professor (Contractual) 5 Aug. 2019-13 Dec. 2019  
    • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Job Title: Sr. Research Fellow (Post Ph.D.) 9 July 2021- 30 Sept. 2021  
    • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Job Title: Sr. Project Engineer (Post Ph.D.) 1 October 2021-31st March 2022  
    • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Job Title: Research Associate (Post Ph.D.) 1 April, 2022-28th Feb., 2023  
    • Indian Institute of Technology, Patna Job Title: Assistant Professor, MME, 17th April 2023-to date.
Administrative Experience
    • PIC: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 
    • Faculty advisor: B. Tech (2024 Batch)   
Awards & Honours
    • Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, 53rd Convocation (2020), IIT Kanpur.  
    • Certificate of Merit for securing the second position in the first year of M. Tech
Member of Professional bodies
    • Journal of Electrochemical Society
    • Bharat Bhushan, K. Mondal and B.S. Murty, A two-step method, for preparation of micron-sized, nanoporous powder particles, Indian filed patent application number: 201711004877. DOF=10/02/2017, DOP= 17/08/2018, Current status: Granted on 27/7/2020, Patent No. 342468. 
    • Bharat Bhushan, B.S. Murty, K. Mondal, Process for Preparing ZnO Nanorod Flowerets Supported by Ni Substrate and Free-Standing Pure ZnO Nanorods, Indian filed patent application number: 201811008439. DOF= 7/3/2018, DOP=13/9/2019, Current status: Granted on 28/10/2022, Patent No. 410212.
    • Bharat Bhushan, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, K. Mondal, and B.S. Murty, Nickel Vanadium Nitride Hydrophobic Alloy Powder, Indian filed patent No. 201811045364. DOF=30/11/2018, DOP= 06/12/2019, Current statusGranted on 21-11-2023, Patent No. 470944.
    • Himashankar Anagani, Bharat Bhushan, Ashish Garg, And Kallol Mondal, A Process For Recovery Of A Plurality Of Materials From One Or More Solar Cells, Indian Filed Patent No. 202211077159, Current Status: Granted On 17/12/2024, Patent No. 556390.
Publications / Journals
    • Bhushan, B., et al. "Load-dependent wear behavior of novel Fe-based amorphous APS coating derived from compositionally modified high-P pig iron." Surface and Coatings Technology 484 (2024): 130765.
    • Harikrishna Kancharla,  G. K. Mandal,  Nisheeth Kr. Prasad,  K. Vishwanath,  B. Bhushan,  Kirtiratan Godbole,  S. S. Singh, &  K. Mondal  "Effect of inter-critical annealing atmosphere on microstructure and subsequent corrosion behavior of hot-dip galvanized Mn containing high-strength steel." Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 54.5 (2024): 1153-1170.
    • K. Vishwanath, B. Bhushan, S.S. Singh, K. Mondal, Atmospheric corrosion behaviour of ferritic-pearlitic, spheroidized, and bainitic microstructures of mild steel, Materials Today Communications, 40(2024) 109544,
    • Kirtiratan Godbole, B. Bhushan, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, K. Mondal, Al-Si controlled expansion alloys for electronic packaging applications, Progress in Materials Science, 144(2024), 2024, 101268, Impact Factor = 37.6
    • B. Bhushan, A. Banerjee, Subodh Nath Patel, Debdipta Banik, Nisheeth Kr. Prasad, Harikrishna Kancharla and K. Mondal, Prolong passivation of a novel Fe-based amorphous coating derived from high P pig iron, Journal of Non-Crystalline solids, 601 (2023) 122051.
    • B. Bhushan, A. Banerjee, Subodh Nath Patel, Debdipta Banik, Kirtiratan Godbole, K. Vishwanath, and K. Mondal, Electrochemical response and passivation affinity of Fe-based amorphous coating prepared via HVOF on mild steel, Surface and Coatings Technology 452 (2023) 129082.
    • Debdipta Banik; B. Bhushan; S. Mukherjee; J. Bhagyaraj; Hiroshi Fujiwara; Kei Ameyama, Effect of harmonic structure on the electrochemical behavior of high-entropy Cantor alloy in NaCl solution, Materials Chemistry and Physics 298 (2023), S127414.
    • Prasad, Nisheeth, kancharla, Harikrishanan, B. Bhushan, Kundu Saurabh, K. Mondal, Effect of Al and Zn addition on the active behavior of the high P pig iron-based hybrid anodes, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 53 (2023) 141-165
    • B. Bhushan*, Kousar Jahan, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, Evolution of ZnO flowerets from dealloying of Cu-Zn alloy powder, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(2020) 3093-3101. * Corresponding and first author
    • B. Bhushan, Kousar Jahan, V. Verma, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, Photodegradation of methylene blue dye by powders of Ni-ZnO floweret consisting of petals of ZnO nanorod around Ni-rich core, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 253(2020) 123394. 
    • B. Bhushan, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, Synthesis of hydrophobic Ni-VN alloy powder by ball milling, Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (2019), 1600-1610. 
    • Prvan Kumar Katiyar, B. Bhushan and K. Mondal, Relook at the Mechanisms of Spheroidization of 0.7 wt. % C Steel by Potentiodynamic Polarization, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 8 (2019) 840-847
    • B. Bhushan, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, A new approach for the synthesis of ZnO nanorod flowerets and subsequent pure free-standing ZnO Nanorods, Advanced Powder Technology, 30(2019) 30-41. 
    • B. Bhushan, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, Dealloying kinetics and mechanism of porosity evolution in mechanically alloyed Ag25Zn75 powder particles in 2N HCl, Corrosion Science, 139 (2018) 155-162. 
    • B. Bhushan, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, A two-step method for synthesis of micron-sized nanoporous silver powder and ZnO nanoparticles, Advanced Powder Technology, 28 (2017) 2532- 2541. 
    • B. Bhushan, Four Laws that drive the universe, CSJM University, Kanpur, IIM Kanpur Chapter, IIM award certificate for oral presentation, CSJM University, Kanpur. 22-26 Feb 2016 (Seminar).
    • B. Bhushan, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, A two-step method, for preparation of micron-sized, nanoporous powder particles, International Conference on Materials Engineering, 2- 4 June 2017, IIT Kanpur. (Poster presentation)  
    • B. Bhushan, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, A two-step method, for preparation of micron-sized, nanoporous powder particles, International Conference on Advanced Materials, 14-16 Dec. 2017, Thiruvananthapuram (India). (Poster presentation).  
    • B. Bhushan, Chemical Analysis of Materials Using Instrumental Analytical Techniques, IIM Chennai Chapter and Dept. of Metallurgical and Mat. Eng., IITM, 3rd – 3rd Dec 2018. (workshop).  
    • B. Bhushan, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, B.S. Murty and K. Mondal, Synthesis of hydrophobic Ni-VN alloy powder by ball milling, International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2019), Chennai, India, 8-12 July 2019. (Poster presentation).
    • B. Bhushan, Advanced Materials for Emerging Applications (workshop), IIT Roorkee, during March 13-14, 2024.
    • B. Bhushan, iConFIRM-2023, IIT Ropar, 12-14 December 2023