Dr. Papia Raj

Dr. Papia Raj
Associate Professor
Ph.D, McGill University,Montreal, Canada
Ph: +91-612-3028188
Research Areas
  • Health Care Management, Population and Public Health, Gender and Development, Environmental Health, Regional Development, Quantitative Methods
Other Interests
  • Globalisation and Occupational Health
Courses taught at IIT P
  • HS102 Communication Skills HS232 Health Care Management HS233 Globalization and Social Change HS712 English for Research Skills HS731 Social Research Design and Practice HS733 Population and Public Health
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Degree
Professional Experience
  • Research Associate (2011-2013): Public Health Foundation of India. Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2010): University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Teaching and Research Fellow (2006-2008): McGill University, Montreal.
Awards & Honours
  • Canadian Association of Population Therapeutics Grant (2010) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2008-2010): School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia Postdoctoral Trainee Award (2009): NEXUS Research Unit, UBC Canadian Commonwealth Fellowship (2002-2006) Best Student Paper Award (2006): Association of American Geographers Internal: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant (2004): McGill University Roger Warren Fieldwork Fund (2004): McGill University Margarett Gillett Graduate Research Award (2004): McGill University Junior Research Fellowship (1999): UGC
Member of Professional bodies
  • Association for Asian Studies All India Sociological Society Association of American Geographers Canadian Association for the Study of International Development
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • Srishti & Papia Raj (2018). Potential of Health Informatics for Improving Maternal Health in Bihar. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development Vol. 9(2):156-160
    • Raj, Papia & Anupama Singh (2017). A Review of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries. International Journal of Environment and Development Vol 14(2): 239-257
    • Nayak, Vibhuti & Papia Raj (2017). Perception of health among female adolescents of Oraon tribe in Jharkhand. Indian Journal of Social Development Vol. 17(1):81-95
    • Raj, Papia & Aditya Raj (2016). “International Call Centers: Consumptionscapes of Urban India”. Research Process 4(1).
    • Raj, Papia & Aditya Raj (2015). “An Analysis of Waste Production in Patna”. International Sociological Association e Symposium for Sociology, Vol 5(2): 1-13
    • Raj, Aditya & Papia Raj (2014). “Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Bihar” Research Process 2(1):1-11
    • RajPapia & Aditya Raj (July 2013). ‘Learning to Serve: An Analysis of English Language Training in Call Centres of India’. Language and Language Teaching 2(2).
    • Raj, Papia, Jean Shoveller & Cathy Chabot (2011). ‘Health problems of outsourced workplaces: A study of call centres in New Delhi’. Indian Journal of Social Development 11(1): 221-236.
    • Raj, Papia (2007) ‘Call center job advertisements in India’ IN Media Literacy: A Reader (eds.) Donaldo Macedo and Shirley R. Steinberg. New York: Peter Lang. 522-534.
    • Raj, Aditya & Papia Raj (2006) ‘Editorial Note: Bridging Research and Practice’ Journal of Research and Practice in Social Sciences 1(2): 96-97
    • Raj, Papia (2005) ‘Pregnancy Complications and Health-Seeking Behaviour among Married Women in Uttar Pradesh, India’ Journal of Research and Practice in Social Sciences 1(1): 48-63.
    • Raj, Papia (2005) ‘Call centres: The sunshine industry of India’, McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women Newsletter (Montreal), June: 8
    • Raj, Papia & Aditya Raj (2004) ‘Caste Variation in Reproductive Health of Women in Eastern Region of India: A Study Based on NFHS Data’ Sociological Bulletin 53 (3): 326-346.
    • Raj, Aditya & Papia Raj (2004) ‘Linguistic Deculturation and the Importance of Popular Education among the Gonds in India’ Adult Education and Development 62: 55-61.
  • The Glocal Paradox: Waste Production in Patna”, Globalization, Environment and Social Justice: Perspectives, Issues and Concerns, BBAU, Lucknow 15-16th February, 2016. Health Policies for Adolescents in India”, International Conference on Contemporary Debates on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, 15-17th January, 2016. Sustainable Recycling Model for Municipal Solid Waste in Patna” (with Anupama Singh), 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, IIT Bombay, 15-17th December, 2015. Health Impacts of Solid Waste Management in Patna”, Global Warming and Threat to Human Existence, Human Rights Association of Bihar, Patna, 10th December, 2015. Evaluation of ICPD in India”, Workshop on Capacity Building on Child Budget Analysis, Patna, 7-8th January, 2014. Public health data in India: Deficiencies & Remedies”, Human Development and Welfare Institute, SCADA Convention Center, Patna, 19th December, 2013. Virtual Diasporas” All India Sociological Conference, Karnataka Open State University, Mysore, 27-29th December, 2013. Health impacts of call centre employees in India” Association of American Geographers, Seattle, 12-15th April, 2011. Gender and Development: Human Rights Perspectives” Organised by the Human Rights Association of Bihar, Patna 27th Nov. 2010. Customer mistreatment in Indian call centres” International le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail (CRIMT) Conference, Quebec City, 16-18th June 2010 (presented by Danielle van Jaarsveld) Using GIS maps to interpret patterns of contraceptive use among youth across British Columbia” The Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics, Toronto, 28-30th March 2010 Analysing the health impacts of globalised workplaces: A study of outsourced call centres in New Delhi, India” 12th World Congress on Public Health, Istanbul, Turkey 27th April-1st May 2009 Who should we call for help?”: Creating awareness about health consequences of call centre employment in New Delhi, India” NEXUS Spring Institute, Vancouver, 16-17th April 2009 Impacts of Outsourced Service Industries on Employees: Experiences of Call Centre Agents in New Delhi, India” Canadian Association for Study of International Development, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 5-8 June, 2008 International call centers: Agents of socio-economic change in New Delhi” Association of American Geographers, Boston, 15-19 April, 2008 Call Centres: Engines of Social Change in New Delhi” Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, 6-8 April, 2006 Call Centres Affecting Identity Change among Young Adults in New Delhi” Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 7-11 March, 2006 Understanding International Division of Labour through a Study of Call Centres Located in the NCR of Delhi, India”, Canadian Asian Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, April 27 - May 1, 2005 Social Inequalities Influencing Reproductive Health of Women: A Case Study of Caste System in India”, Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, Canada, May 2003. "Pregnancy Complications and Health-seeking Behaviour among Married Women in Uttar Pradesh", the National Seminar on Reproductive and Child Health- Key to Population Stabilization, New Delhi, India, Feb. 2002.