Prof. Nalin Bharti

Prof. Nalin Bharti
Ph.D, J. N. U., New Delhi
Ph: +91-612-302 8017
Research Areas
  • Macroeconomic Reforms, Labour Economics, WTO and India
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Degree
Priyanka Sinha
Raj Rajesh
Kumar Gaurav
Chandan Kumar
Professional Experience
  • 12th Finance Commission, Government of India. Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). NALSAR University of Law(India’s Top Law School) Intellectual Property Education & Research Max-Planck Institute, NALSAR and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Public Economics in South Asia, at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi. Law Teaching and Legal Research Skills, Cardiff University, NALSAR University of Law and British Council. Knowledge Community on Children in India (KCCI) ,UNICEF.
Awards & Honours
  • Awarded 'Diploma of Appreciation' for the presentation on ‘Is Labor Law a Hindrance in India’s Public Sector Reforms?’ in the IV international Scientific Conference on the series of ‘Public Sector in the Modern Economy’ at University of Bialystok ,Poland,23-24 Oct,2014.
Member of Professional bodies
  • American Economic Association Indian Society of Labour Economics The Indian Science Congress Association Indian Economic Association Associate Member, UNCTAD Virtual Institute on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • Mamta KumariNalin Bharti, Linkages Between Trade Facilitation and Governance: Relevance for Post-COVID-19 Trade Strategy, Millenial Asia, Jan,2021,Sage.
    • Mamta KumariNalin Bharti, What Drive Trade Costs? South Asia and Beyond ,South Asia Economic Journal,November 2020,Sage.
    • Mamta KumariNalin Bharti,Does bureaucracy affect theoutcome of logistics performance?Empirical evidence fromSouth Asia,American Journal of Business,Nov,2020,Emrald.
    • Ayesha Fatma & Nalin Bharti, Perception vs. reality: understanding the US–China trade war,Transnational Corporation Review, Volume 11, 2019 - Issue 4.
    • Mritunjay kaumar and Nalin Bharti, Provisions of Generic Drugs under Section 3 (d) of Indian IP Act: What does data from the Backward States Reveal? Artha Vijnana, Vol. LXI, No.4, December 2019.
    • Chandan Kumar,Nalin Bharti, Post- SAFTA NTMs for Agro- Trade: What Revealed from India- South Asia approach, Foreign Trade Review , October , 2020.
    • Chandan Kumar, Nalin Bharti, Why NTM is a challenge in trade relations? Evidence from India- Africa Agro- Trade, Insight on Africa, April ,2020 .
    • Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti,Some Common Lessons from Uncommon FTAs, South Asia Economic Journal,:
      Volume 20 Issue 1, 2019.
    • Chandan Kumar, Nalin Bharti Indo- EU Agricultural Trade: Trade Restrictions and SPS Measures, Óbuda University e-Bulletin, Óbuda University, Volume 8 No-1,2018.
    • Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti, Has the South Asian Free Trade Area_ _Improved the Member Countries Trade? Evidence from the Gravity Model, Forthcoming - International Journal of Business and Globalization (IJBG), Inder Science Publisher.
    • Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti, India-Japan CEPA: What RCA Index Reveals for Trade in Services? Foreign Trade Review 53(3), 2018.
    • Takács István, Nalin Bharti, FDI in Central and Eastern Europe’s (CEE) Agribusiness What Lessons for India?, Foreign Trade Review, Vol 51, Issue 2, 2016, pp-113-146.
    • Nalin Bharti and Gopal Ganesh, Is Labour Law a Hindrance in India’s Public Enterprises Reforms? OPTIMUM STUDIA EKONOMICZNE,NR 5 (83) 2016.
    • Nalin Bharti, Kumar Gaurav and Chandan Kumar, IT-ITES trade of SAARC countries: does kaleidoscopic comparative advantage work? Int. J. Transitions and Innovation Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2016,pp-80-96.
    • Kumar Gaurav ,Nalin Bharti and Priyanka Sinha , Is India Back to the Hindu Growth Rate,YOJNA, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi, April,2014.
    • Priyanka Sinha and Nalin Bharti,India’s Import Tariff Evaluation During Recent Financial Crisis, Foreign Trade Review ,February 2014 49: 45-93.
    • Sinha, Priyanka.; Bharti, Nalin.; Takacs, Istvan.; and Gyorgy, T.Katalin. Have Trade Policy Reforms Improved Indo-Hungarian Trade? Some Evidence from Agriculture Sector, ACTA AGRONOMICA ÓVÁRIENSIS, VOL. 55. NO. 2. Mosonmagyaróvár,2013.
    • Nalin Bharti and Gopal Ganesh ,Privatization and Labour in South Asia: Some Issues in Fiscal Sociology, New Essays on Fiscal Sociology -Considerations of an Encyclopaedia on Fiscal Sociology,Ed. Prof. JÃrgen Backhaus,Peter Lang Verlag,2013.
    • Bharti, Nalin. and Kumar, Chanchal. Information and Economic Development, Bihar Development Report,2012, Indicus Analytics, New Delhi.
    • Nalin Bharti 'Privatization as Innovation in Governance in India, in Innovative Trends in Public Governance in Asia, Vol.16, Ed. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Baily and Pekka Valkama, IOS Press,Netherlands,2011,pp203-219.
    • Raj Rajesh, Sanjib Bordoloi and Nalin Bharti, Assessing The Role of Trade in Transmission of Global Financial Crisis to the Indian Economy, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol 10,No 4, 2011.